If you feel that the previous page was not a good fit for you, then it’s time to reexamine some of your earlier choices and consider other possibilities.

You previously chose Wayfarer and Dreamer. Please review both now and consider whether you’d like to change one or both of those answers.


Wayfarers are very “outcome” focused. They believe in a “whatever works” outlook. (In some cases this can lead to “cutting corners.”) They are natural performers who strive to “look good” and “speak/act well.” Reputation is very important to them. They like to be admired and strive to “perfect” themselves. They can be quite competitive, but also enjoy collaborating with other Wayfarers to achieve “greater outcomes.”

Socially, they seek loyalty from others, but value their independence. They will often “seek out” someone that they feel “needs me,” but also struggle with becoming “over-encumbered.” If they feel that someone else is “asking too much of them” or “not holding up their end of the bargain” they will move on.

Wayfarers love to explore, see and experience new things. They love to travel, looking for “treasure” that might add to their “performance.” Wayfarers are known collectors (of experiences and of items), but once in a while they may pause and struggle with the meaning (or lack of meaning) behind what they do.

Some compare Wayfarers to the mythical “siren.” They often enjoy the chase (as either role), the adoration and potency of “something new,” but once they “have it” or “complete the task,” there’s a strong urge to “move on to something new.” (They are eager to begin, but don’t always finish what they start.)

Times of inactivity are very hard for a Wayfarer, as are “conflicts” and “times of crisis.” When challenged or stressed, Wayfarers can become very selfish, then struggle with the guilt later.

Humility is another challenge for a Wayfarer (who often prides themselves on “high performance,” and does not like admitting their shortcomings or flaws).


Dreamers are often subtle, soft spoken, and caring. They want to connect with and understand others in the deepest of ways. Dreamers are romantics and artists. They focus on the future, imagining what could be.

Dreamers are always striving towards a goal, trying to bring their “dreams” to life. They may struggle to start something, but once begun, they rarely give up (even when they should).

Socially, Dreamers are very open and honest, but also very vulnerable and sensitive. They do not handle conflict well and strive to achieve harmony with others (sometimes sacrificing their own wants and desires for the sake of others). This can lead to a hidden “build-up” of frustration, a rare but intense desire to “get what I want,” or an excess of “self-indulgence.”


Note: If you choose to change Dreamer, you will also need to re-click Wayfarer.

If you feel that both Dreamer and Wayfarer are accurate, please click here.