If you feel that the previous page was not a good fit for you, then it’s time to reexamine some of your earlier choices and consider other possibilities.

You previously chose Crusader and Adventurer. Please review both now and consider whether you’d like to change one or both of those answers.


Crusaders are very “faith” driven. They need “something” to believe in. They recognize that people are (by nature) “imperfect” and “biased” (they tend to prefer the company of people who recognize and admit to their own flaws).

Crusaders are very “faith” focused. They need something to believe in. Crusaders are also very aware of the “imperfect nature of humanity,” and are wary of trusting in “people.” (Crusaders often prefer the company of people who recognize their own flaws.)

Crusaders put their faith in systems (which are impartial). They find and adopt a code, a set of rules that applies to everyone (regardless of extenuating circumstances). Belief in “the system” (and strictly following its rules) keeps everyone (including the Crusader themselves) from “making choices based on personal bias” instead of what is objectively “fair for everyone.”

Crusaders believe in “maintaining the status quo” (change can be very risky). They trust in “the system” (and the processes the system provides). Being part of “this system” gives them confidence. They “observe” until they have enough information to identify which “process” should be applied (as determined by the system), and then they quickly shift into action.

Crusaders strive to “keep emotion out of the equation” (to maintain objectivity). Others may find Crusaders cold and rigid, but Crusaders believe this is necessary. This emphasis on “the code” can make Crusaders predictable, and in some cases they may insist on “the official process” (even when more cost efficient options are available), which can lead to a pyrrhic victory.

A Crusader’s “belief” is not affected by what others believe. Perception and “popular opinion” do not change “what is true.” If others disagree, the Crusader will (most likely) quietly endure, patiently waiting for others to “realize the truth” (rather than actively trying to convince them).

If someone manages to cause a Crusader to doubt or question the system, or if the system “fails them,” the Crusader will (most likely) react with intense emotion, fiercely “defending” and “rationalizing” in an effort to “continue believing.” If they “lose their faith,” the Crusader may be unwilling to believe in anything.


Adventurers are confident, optimistic, and direct. They do not plan, preferring to “adapt to” and “live in” the moment. They are often upbeat and easygoing. They often act quickly, without hesitation or second thought. In some cases this “impulsive nature” can lead to unforeseen consequences.

Adventurers are “quick to begin” but slow to finish. New ideas and opportunities encourage them to “jump from one thing to the next.” In turn, this can lead to “returning to a prior project with fresh perspective, and new ideas (if they return to it).”

Adventurers often prefer to “learn by doing” or “experimenting,” rather than “read a book” or passively “watch and listen” as someone else explains and demonstrates. For this reason, they often find “classroom education” challenging.

Some adventurers are very mechanically inclined, exploring and “taking apart” machines and systems so that they can try “putting them back together ‘better.” These types of adventurers can be so focused on “the concrete” that they are unaware of the emotions of those around them.

Other adventurers are more social in nature. They are fiercely independent, full of passionate beliefs, and work hard for the sake of those they care for (often children and animals). This emphasis on passion can make objectivity a challenge for “these types of adventurers.”


Note: If you choose to change Adventurer, you will also need to re-click Crusader.

If you feel that both Adventurer and Crusader are accurate, please click here.