What follows is a brief description of the ISFP personality type, including:
• Natural Strengths
• Common Tendencies
• Interaction Styles
• Stressors and Coping Mechanisms.
• Ideal and Corrupt versions of the ISFP
•ISFP Stack

ISFP Basic

Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving. ISFPs are known for their quiet focus. They often prefer solitude (for 2 reasons).

ISFPs are very independent and private about what they think and feel. They will often isolate themselves so that they can “figure out what they personally believe” without being distracted by the thoughts and feelings of others. They are very private, and do not “share” their “thoughts and feelings” with others lightly. If they do, it’s important to be very respectful.

ISFPs are known for their patience and dedication (sometimes bordering on perfectionism). They tend to “choose a craft or skill” and “master it.” This “craft or skill” can become central to their identity, becoming more important than anything else (including their own health). It can become “how they express themselves” (particularly if it’s a form of “performance” or “artistic/creative endeavor”). And yet an ISFP may (sometimes) decide that they have “mastered this skill” and abruptly “move on to another.” (ISFPs like a sense of progress, particularly as it relates to a skill or ability.)

ISFPs are very sensitive about their reputation, about what “the group” or “community” think of them (another reason they tend to avoid large groups). This tendency to “isolate themselves” can lead to a weak grasp of social conventions and personal boundaries. (It’s also not uncommon for ISFPs to struggle to communicate with words, favoring expression through their craft or skill.)

Despite these difficulties (or because ISFPs often “try very hard” to compensate for them), ISFPs have a tendency to believe that they “do a lot for others” and often feel that they “don’t get enough credit” for all that they do. They tend to perceive the world as “unfair” and can become very “frustrated” about the subject. They may even intentionally “cause others to suffer ‘as the ISFP has” as a way of “forcing the world to ‘be fair.”

ISFPs value freedom and choice. They do not react well to restrictions, rules, or “plans that they have had no say in.” They do not readily submit to authority, but they are (sometimes) concerned with someone’s “qualifications.”

ISFPs can find “the thoughts and feelings of others” stressful. “Socializing” can be a challenge. When in a group, they often feel obligated to “make sure others are comfortable/having a good time” (which can also make socializing a challenge). In turn, lack of appreciation (and gratitude) for “what they do” (or criticism of them) can be very upsetting for them.

When troubled, they are likely to seek out solitude (as a way of sorting out their thoughts and feelings without being stressed by the thoughts and feelings of others). When interacting with others, they may become passive-aggressive (as a way of “expressing themselves” while simultaneously leaving things “open to interpretation”).

If problems persist, they can become “openly aggressive,” critical, and intensely emotional. They may “hurry to fix things” or “demand that others fix things (quickly).” They may become very sensitive to shame, guilt, and/or regret.

Solitude can help; time to calm down. Exercise (preferably outside in nature) can help to release tension (and distract them). Company can help (if the people around them avoid “giving advice” and “judgmental language”).

ISFP Ideal

ISFPs believe in a very strong but independent morality. They have strong convictions, but also believe that a person’s “code” is a very personal matter (not for others to judge). They will (frequently) judge themselves, asking “am I doing the right thing,” but they are wary of judging others (unless someone is being hurt). They strive to balance emotion and logic.

ISFPs value compassion, beauty, and meaning. They will slowly work to find what they seek, believing that “one must put in the time” and “there are no shortcuts.”

ISFPs can sometimes “take on too much” or “feel they are obligated to do too much” (their tendency to “feel obligated to take care of the needs of others”). In turn this “perception of ‘too much” can lead to an ISFP “refusing to do anything.” They just “stop” (which can look like a form of laziness to others).

ISFP Corrupt

Corrupt ISFPs (typically) have lost all sense of hope or optimism. They no longer believe in anything (most notably the idea that a person can “do any good” in the world). From their perspective, “effort is futile” and “to try’ is a mistake.”

Corrupt ISFPs often wallow in self-pity and sensory pleasure, using the later to try and distract themselves from the pain of “losing all sense of meaning and progress.”

Corrupt ISFPs have no patience or consideration for others. They alternate between “passive-aggressive” and “self-righteous anger,” lashing out at others who “don’t understand them” (even though they make little or no effort to help others understand). Relationships (social or otherwise) are little more than “tolerance until the other person upsets them.” Logic and reason can’t reach them. The only thing that can is appealing to their dedication to their craft or skill.

Even corrupt ISFPs maintain a sense of pride and investment in “whatever craft or skill they’ve (previously) chosen to invest in.” If they see a simple problem (that they are uniquely qualified to fix), they can find it hard to resist the temptation. Often they’ll cling to their “nihilistic views,” so it’s best not to formally “ask” or “push” them to “do it.” Instead “engage someone else” in their vicinity, someone who is “less skilled/qualified” but “willing to take on the task.” This can “irritate” the corrupt ISFP’s sense of “pride in the skill,” and need to “perform the task well.” And “if they do choose to ‘take up the task,” they may find that “once it’s complete, they ‘have made a difference (despite their nihilistic views).”

ISFP Stack

The stack is essentially “what distinguishes one personality type from another.”

1. Fi (Authenticity)
2. Se (Sensation)
3. Ni (Perspective)
4. Te (Effectiveness)

5. Fe (Harmony)
6. Si (Memory)
7. Ne (Exploration)
8.Ti (Accuracy)

If you would like some basic information about what the 8 skills and 8 roles mean (in general, please click the button below.